Boosting Testosterone Through Exercise and Diet Naturally


There are lots of speculations about whether natural treatments including foods and exercises increase testosterone?

Yes, actually they do. 

In this blog, we shall deal with:

  • Symptoms of low testosterone level

  • Why should you look out for low t-levels?

  • How do exercises increase testosterone?

  • Exercises to avoid to maintain optimum testosterone levels

  • Testosterone boosting exercises without weights

  • Mistakes to avoid

  • Changes in the diet to increase testosterone

  • Other advantages of push-up exercises

  • Conclusion

You can increase T- levels through exercises. Heavy exercises like body weights and squats also increase testosterone levels.  

So, does this also include simple moves like push-ups? Yes, definitely. And if you’re asking Why Does Doing Push Ups Increase Testosterone, you must know that it’s a muscle-building exercise. Muscle increase equals testosterone increase.

But first here are some signs you may experience if you’ve low T. Read on to know if you’re in need of increasing testosterone with natural methods.

Symptoms of Low Testosterone Level in the Body

  • Erectile dysfunction

  • Hair loss

  • Reduced sex drive

  • Low metabolism

  • Decreased muscle mass

  • Softer bones

  • Anxiety attacks

These symptoms may be periodic, irregular, or chronic, but look out for them. Refer a doctor as soon as two to three symptoms happen at the same time.

Why Lookout for Low Testosterone Levels?

T-levels are not only confined to your sex life. They play a very important role in bone development, cognitive skills, and factors related to looks. They also lead to chronic diseases if left untreated for long.

How Do Exercises Increase T-Levels?

#1. Bodyweight Exercises 

Exercises centered around Bodyweight and Squats Increase Testosterone naturally. These usually include:

  • Deadlift

  • Shoulder press

  • Bench press

  • Overhead press

#2. Testosterone and Push-Ups

Try these variations:

  • Half-moon push-ups

  • Sphinx push-ups

Push-ups are highly beneficial to increase T-levels on your own. So, if you’ve been asking Why Does Push Ups Increase Testosterone, know that this is one of the best physical moves for increasing T-levels without supplements.

#3. Squats

Try these exercises as per your workout routine:

  • Back squats

  • Free squats

Exercises to Avoid

“High-endurance athletes tend to have higher levels of cortisol, which has the opposite effect of testosterone. The more endurance exercise you do, the more likely you are to break down muscle tissue.” Says Dr. Jadick.

High-endurance exercises comprise cycling or running for hours.

Testosterone Boosting Exercises without Weights

Here are some of the exercises you can do without weights to increase T-levels:


#1. Sukhasana


-Sit back straight with folded legs, possibly criss-cross.

-Keep hands on your knees and regulate your breathing.

-Concentrate on your breathing.

#2. Savasana


-Lie down on your back.

-Keep the body relaxed with arms and legs loosened.

-Close eyes and focus on breathing.

#2. Fast Running (Sprints)

Running at medium paced speed is a good warm-up. You can also do it in between exercises.

#3. Jump Training (Ladders)

Jumping exercises are as effective as weight exercises, minus the equipment. They are highly recommended for beginners.

#4. Push Ups 

So, Do Push Ups Increase Testosterone? Well, yes absolutely!

Other Advantages of Push-Up Exercises are:

  • Better breathing

  • Toned upper arms

  • Increased blood circulation

  • No osteoporosis risk

  • Faster metabolism

Mistakes to Avoid While Doing Testosterone-Boosting Exercises

#1. No Warmups

No warm up before workouts means an invitation to several aches and cramps. It is the prerequisite for exercising. So, you can’t avoid it at any cost.

#2. Lack of Hydration

Another reason for sore muscles and unwillingness to exercise is the loss of water. Sweat release increases the need for hydration. What’s better than water, then? Drink up as much as you can.

#3. Overlooking Recovery Techniques

You may recover through Netflix and chill! But the body requires recovery through warm showers or compressors. Use them at night and make the body ready for the next day’s training.

#4. Neglecting Sleep

Sleep is bestowed upon mankind to recover well. After a tiresome day, sleep is the body’s way to recover. So, neglecting sleep is fatal and you should avoid it at all costs.

#5. Skipping Strength Training

Strength training is important to get the body ready for core exercises. Never skip them, ever!

Dietary Changes to Raise T-Levels

#1. Hike in Carb Intake

Carbohydrates are an important source of energy. Without them, muscle exercises would be incomplete. They provide nutritious fiber to the body.

Add quinoa, oats, sweet potatoes to your diet. They are reservoirs of carbs.

#2. Inclusion of Leafy Veggies

Leafy veggies like broccoli and spinach are very rich sources of antioxidants. These antioxidants are not found in any other source. So, eating these veggies is highly recommended by doctors.

#3. Hydrate More

The inclusion of fluids is vital. Not only protein shakes or juices but water also acts as a solvent of nutrients. These are mandatory to avoid cramps and aches.

#4. Increase Vitamin D Dosage

Vitamin D is a naturally occurring t-level boosting food. Adding tuna, dairy, and vitamin D-rich food can help increase testosterone naturally.

#5. Increase Protein Increase

Add eggs, beef, and beans to your food chart. The presence of protein in the diet helps to build tissues and hormones.


The regulation of T-levels depends on brain hormones. The ability to stimulate them depends on fitness and the levels can be controlled by fitness and exercises. 

A low level of testosterone causes several complications including mood swings. One should always try to boost them up through yoga, exercises, and diet. When you can treat it naturally, why wait for things to go downhill? Get up and ready to boost testosterone naturally with the above tips.

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